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My Autumn Weather

Friday, 8 May 2009

Once you have them, you'll always have them

Ajuga Reptans, nice blue flowers in mid spring but be very very careful where you want to have them in your garden. This is a very tough, easy to grow plants that spread so easily through runners that one tiny pot from the nursery can spread out to cover an area of one square metre within one season. I planted them in an area where I was sure they won't be able to escape due to concrete edgings but suddenly this spring my composting area is a blue carpet of ajuga reptans blue. I must have accidently dump some tiny ajuga reptan plants onto the compost heaps and they took off from there.
I also transplanted some plants from the same area to another part of the garden and now that area is also blue with ajuga reptans. They seem to be able to thrive whether in shade of sun.

Aqulegia, once you have them, you will always have them, except they tend to sprout out in places least expected.

Black bird, once they've made their nest in the garden, they'll always be there to sing you their sweet love songs day and night.

As long as you have friends with good humour, they will continue bringing you gifts that will scare away the birds. Thanks Kat. I'm not sure if I should use it for bird feeder or bird bath? LOL

Wood's strawberries, once you've got them, you can hardly control them.

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