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My Autumn Weather

Friday, 17 April 2009

Prunus Serrulata Kiku Shidare

I'm weeping for the weeping cherry tree that is blooming right now. We had an awful icy rain today. In close up the flowers don't look that great anymore after the ice drops. Nevertheless, they are still quite a sight regardless the weather.

The fact that they are in full bloom is convincing enough, that the coming days will be longer than the nights and life will be more fun with more warmth and sunshine.

Prunus Serrulata Kiku Shidare

I did rushed home today to catch the lights to photograph these. More rain is expected tonight and tomorrow and day after. After so much rain the flowers will not be photogenic anymore.

As usual, I drive with care but as I passed the traffic lights, it turned yellow and the cars infront me slowed down to a stop due to heavy traffic. When the traffic lights turned green for the other lanes, I did not make it to cross the junction. I ended up waiting in between 2 traffic lights but was in no way blocking the flow of the traffic. It is a 3 lanes road both ways but luckily I was crossing straight and not turning left of right or otherwise I would really be in the middle of everything.

As I waited, watched, and counted the seconds (I can't see the traffic lights anymore, its behind me) I suddenly recalled reading Mukund's blog when he was stuck in the middle of the junction during India's peak hours. The way he wrote about his experience was so funny, that remembering his story made me burst into laughter as I got myself into a similar situation and it was so funny to see the reaction of the drivers that passed by infront of me. They all had this weird look on their faces. They probably think I am weird too, laughing and giggling on my own in the middle of the junction. The only difference in this situation is that we don't use sign language here. Thank goodness for that.....

1 comment:

Mukund said...

Hehe... I see you enjoying a bit of traffic yourself... The best thing about the traffic is the peole driving, if you observe them you can always find a few of them doing some wierd thing... Thanks for the mention...
Well its summer here already and getting hotter by the day...

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