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Friday, 10 April 2009

Happy Easter

Usually, on the eve of Good Friday, we join the hoardes of many other birds that left their nests, queueing up the motorway heading south to visit relatives in Italy. When you marry a man, you marry his family too, and that is what I've been doing since the day I uttered the word "I do".

It is not really a fun journey driving down during festive holidays due to influx of traffic on the road. We could fly to Venice as my inlaws are from that region but hey! I need to fill the car with more roses from my favourite Italian rose nursery.

For a lot of people, besides Paris, Italy is also one of the best shopping heaven in Europe, especially those who appreciate finesse in style and couture. I'm not so much into fashion but I think Armani sure know how to dress me up. I just love the simplicity in their cutting. Everything fits me like a glove without going through the hassle to alter anything at the tailor. I don't really shop much for clothes especially when you buy quality, these things tend to last forever. The most exciting thing for me is that, Italy happen to be one of the biggest agriculture nurseries in Europe. There is one which I usually dropped by to get my plants from, and this particular nursery even supplied mature trees to the well known Kew Garden in England.

I am not at all religious, but I respect those who are. On Good Friday, the devotees observed this day by fasting, performing prayers, repentance, and meditation on the agony and suffering of Christ on the cross which is then followed by a big easter lunch on Easter Sunday (which means today is a non cooking day and I get to hang loose and spend time writing this. Indeed this is a good day)

The sweetest thing about my inlaws is that, the moment they found out that I don't eat rabbits, without much ado, their traditional menu changed. Though just a tiny weeny portion, it still is an agony time at lunch table when lamb is served instead, but I call it adapting to my growing environment. I'm still trying to get use to the taste of lamb. I know. Silly me, but I love sheep and lamb as I use to count them jumping the fence until I fell asleep (I still feel bad for being the one that made them changed their traditional rabbit easter menu to sheep and lamb) usually as I chew the roasted lamb more than 40 times, eating slowly in order not to receive a second serving chunk, I try to think hard about chocolaty desserts, before washing down the lamb down my throat with lots of wine. (chewing 40 times is very rare exercise too, because I usually eat in a rush especially at lunch time)

Nevertheless, every easter, the small kid in me received boxes of chocolates in all kinds of shapes and sizesThat golden rabbit chocolate is from my dear Fabulous Superman. He is ever so wonderful.

This year, the long easter weekend is a little bit different. My inlaws are with us and I am excited to show off my Italian cooking skills.

On Sunday morning, it will be my turn to hide those easter eggs. This is going to be loads of fun, because I plan to hide them all over the garden and if anyone fail to find any, they will have to eat their steamed asparagus with no eggs at all!

In so many ways, I am grateful that people are always very flexible and accomodating. It is also great getting to spend more time in my own home and garden during this time of year. I know if I'm in Italy right now, I will be seeing wisteria, magnolia, cherry, apples and hundreds other mediterranean shrubs and trees in glorious blooms, but in my own garden right now, I could see my own wisteria, magnolias, cherries, apple and other fruiting trees are making loads of fat buds.

The weather has been great the last couple of days.

The Paperwhites are actually fading fast as the quicksilver rapidly raise the temperatures and all around me the yellows are exploding under the sun.

I have heaps of things to do in and around the house though I don't foresee myself doing much in the garden with lots of guests to entertain, but at least I am able to walk around the garden and watch things grow.....and geez.........things sure have grown much in the last 2 weeks.

I saw the first butterfly visiting the Brunnera macrophylla. Some people say these are not the real forget me nots, but who cares. I love their dainty little flowers, and most of all, its like an old friend visiting every spring and calling me out, "forget me not! I'm back!"

This Chinese Rose Unermudliche or directly translated into english as "Tiredless Rose" is already making several buds! This is simply amazing. I haven't even put it in the ground yet. Will this rose be another one of those bloom machine? I've yet to see it this season.

Spring also has its other magic. This black bird is a resident in my garden. He has been singing his heart out every day.... I could hear his songs right from inside the house. It is a pity I don't have a video with lens that can reach this far to share with you the sweet melody of his song.

Have a great easter holidays everyone!!

1 comment:

Mukund said...

Happy Easter to you... Enjoy your weeekend...

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